SFC 2014 Program
Source: Conference / Forum / Summit Posted on: 2015-01-04 16:15:23 By: Alma Chai [Chai Lin] Click: [2898]
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 SFC 2014 Program

Wednesday, October 8
12:00-12:30  Short Course Registration
12:30-5:00  Short Course
Thursday, October 9
8:00-8:30  Registration
8:30-8:45  Conference Welcome – Larry Miller and Larry Taylor
8:45-9:10  David Guillarme, University of Geneva, “Possibilities of Modern SFC-MS for Life Sciences Applications”
9:10-9:35  G. John Langley, University of Southampton, “Walk-Up and Use Hyphenation for the 21stCentury”
9:35-10:30  Exhibit/Poster Session
10:30-10:55  Gilles H. Goetz, Pfizer Inc., “ EPSA: Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonds (IMHB) Detection by SFC Method”
10:55-11:20  Stefan Bieber, Technische Universitat Munchen, “Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) with Mass Spectrometric Detection (SFC/MS): Organic Molecules in Waters” 
11:20-11:55  Yun Huang, Pfizer, Inc., “SFC – Tandem MS/MS Bioanalytical Application: A Systematic Method Development Approach for Elimination of Matrix Effects in Bioanalysis” 
11:55-1:00  Agilent Workshop
1:00-2:00  Break
2:00-2:25  Craig T. White, Lilly Research Laboratories, “Changing the Landscape of SFC Purification within Discovery Research – Utilizing Night Time Capacity to Enable Multi-Gram Purification”
2:25-2:50  Eric Francotte, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, “Why Should SFC be the First Technology Choice for the Purification of Pharmaceuticals”
2:50-3:15  Jimmy DaSilva, Merck & Co., “Evaluation of Non-Conventional Polar Modifiers on Immobilized Chiral Stationary Phases with Supercritical Fluid Chromatography”
3:15-4:10  Exhibit/Poster Session
4:10-4:35  Eric Lesellier, Universite d`Orleans, “Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and Cosmetic: from natural extracts to final products”
4:35-5:00  Frederic Begnaud, Firmenich SA, “Applications of SFC in Flavors and Fragrances Industry: volatile compounds and Beyond” 
5:00-5:45  Discussion Session – Larry Taylor and David Pinkston
5:45-7:00  Reception
Friday, October 10
8:00-8:30  Registration
8:30-8:55  Terry Berger, SFC Solutions, Inc., “Defining “Ultra High Performance” in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography”
8:55-9:20  Jacob Fairchild, Waters Corp., “Explaining Retention Time Drift in SFC Columns”
9:20-9:45  Marie Mejean, CNRS France, “Optimization of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Coupled to High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Vitamin E Analysis in Biological Matrices and Food” 
9:45-10:45  Exhibit/Poster Session
10:45-11:10  Abhijit Tarafder, Waters Corp., “Estimating Temperature Deviations in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Using Isenthalpic Plots”
11:10-11:35  Ken Broeckhoven, Vrijie Universiteit Brussel, “Temperature Effects in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography: A Trade-off Between Viscous Heating and Decomposition Cooling” 
11:35-12:00  Ruben De Pauw, University of Brussels, “Occurrence of Turbulent Flow Conditions in SFC”
12:00-2:00  Break
2:00-2:25  Caroline West, Universite d`Orleans, “Strategies to Choose a Good Column for Achiral SFC”
2:25-2:50  Takeshi Bamba, Osaka University, “Potential of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography in Metabolic Profiling”
2:50-3:15  Torgny Fornstedt, Karlstad University, “Predictable Supercritical Fluid Chromatography – Impact of Variations in Operational Parameters with Focus on Chiral Separations”
3:15-3:40  Fernando Montanes, Callaghan Innovation, “Separation of Glucoside Anomers Using Supercritical Fluid Chromatography”
3:40-4:05  Stefan Buhler, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma, “Upscaling in Achiral SFCMS, A Practical Approach”
4:05-4:20  Best Poster Award Presentation, Conference Close