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InformEx is a dynamic event held to build partnerships among buyers and sellers of fine and specialty chemicals—the only show of its kind in the US. The three-day event is returning to New Orleans, LA, USA from February 2-4, 2016, and will once again foster profitable partnerships and innovation in the high-value chemical industry.
InformEx is uniquely positioned to help chemical companies transform into science and technology companies. The innovation-focused show is aimed at building a global network of customers, suppliers, and colleagues in some of the most rapidly growing chemical markets, including medical devices, agrochemistry, biopharma and green chemistry.
For more than 30 years, InformEx has brought together decision makers and thought leaders to interact and drive growth in the marketplace. Don’t miss your chance to get involved in the 2016 event!
美国精细化工展览会(Informex)是美国目前唯一的精细化工专业展览会,无论是展出规模、展览水平及专业化程度,该展览会均堪称是目前美国及全球精细化工界中的佼佼者,尤其是定制合成业务更是该展览会的突出特色。历届展会吸引了BASF, Abbott, Astra Zeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, DSM等全球知名企业参展,展会观众规模超过4,000人。