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Jeffrey C. Moore
职位:美国药典委员会  科学联络人
Affiliation: Scientific Liaison, US Pharmacopeial Convention
题目:食品化学法典 (FCC) 中功能性低聚糖质量标准建立的机遇与挑战
Title: Opportunities and Challenges for Developing Quality and Authenticity Standards for Oligosaccharides in the Food Chemicals Codex

摘要:随着消费者对消化系统健康要求的不断提高,推动了食品行业益生元低聚糖的消费需求和持续创新。为确保全球供应链中对低聚糖纯度,质量,一致性,真实性和安全性的要求,有必要开发制定可靠的测试标准和对照品。大多数作为食品成分使用的低聚糖难于鉴定的原因在于其复杂的组成与低聚糖混合物所具有的不同侧链,连接方式,和位置异构化,以及在色谱方法中缺乏适当的标准品对每个成分进行确定。《食品化学法典 》(FCC) 是国际公认的食品成分纯度和鉴别的标准。美国药典委员会(USP)负责制定出版FCC,目前正在寻求各方的参与,合作开发经验证的测试方法和相关标准品,对益生元成分包括低聚糖的真实性和纯度进行有效的评估。自1966年出版以来,《食品化学法典》 (FCC) 通过高度严谨和科学透明的程序制定及审核标准,帮助食品成分生产商符合标准要求。
   Abstract: Growing consumer interest in digestive health is driving the demand and innovation of oligosaccharide prebiotics in the food industry. To ensure the purity, quality, consistency, authenticity and thus safety of oligosaccharides in the global supply chain, reliable testing standards and reference materials are needed. Most oligosaccharide food ingredients are difficult to characterize due to their complex compositional nature as mixtures of oligosaccharides with different branch, linkage, and positional isomerism, and the lack of readily available reference materials to identify individual oligosaccharide peaks when using chromatographic methods. The Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) is a compendium of internationally recognized standards for the purity and identity of food ingredients. The U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP)—the organization that publishes the FCC — is currently seeking input and collaboration with organizations interested in developing validated test methods and reference materials for assessing the authenticity and purity of prebiotic ingredients including oligosaccharides. Published since 1966, the FCC allows manufacturers of food ingredients to comply with standards that have been created and vetted by a highly rigorous and transparent scientific process.
   简历:Jeffrey Moore 博士,任职于美国药典委员会,是负责《食品化学法典》的科学联络人。美国药典委员会是一个致力于药品、膳食补充剂和食品成分公共标准制定的权威机构。Moore 博士2007年加入美国药典委员会。他担任USP国际食品成分掺假专家小组的首席科学联络人,同时还作为USP科学代表出席国际食品添加剂法典委员会。Moore博士具有8年以上食品科学方面的经验,专长于功能性食品化学,分析方法开发及验证,以及冷冻食品的研究与开发。在各类食品科学期刊上发表过15余篇论文。在加入USP之前,Moore博士就职于雀巢公司。Moore博士拥有马里兰州大学食品科学博士学位。
Biography: Jeffrey Moore, Ph.D., is a scientific liaison for the Food Chemicals Codex at U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP), a not-for-profit public standards-setting authority for medicines, dietary supplements, and food ingredients.  Dr. Moore joined USP in 2007. He is the lead scientific liaison to USP's Expert Panel on Food Ingredient Intentional Adulterants and is USP's scientific representative to the Codex Committee on Food Additives. Dr.Moore has more than 8 years of experience in food science with an emphasis in functional food chemistry, analytical method development and validation, and frozen food research and development. He has authored more than 15 manuscripts in peer reviewed in food science journals. Prior to USP, Dr. Mooreworked for Nestlé. Dr.Moore holds a Ph.D. in food science from the University of Maryland.

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