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主办方: 上海世易科技有限公司
活动时间: 2014-03-24 08:30 至 2014-03-25 12:00




费用: 2,800
地区: 上海
详细地址: 上海九龙宾馆(溧阳路601号)







世易科技将于2014年3月24-25日召开 “2014抗生素360°产业论坛—暨第五届碳青霉烯类药物360°产业论坛&第四届大环内酯类药物360°产业论坛”,再度召集业内菁英共同探讨行业的未来发展之路。      


◆开幕式及主题演讲 2014年3月24日(周一) 上午
09:00 开幕致辞           

           王俊艳 上海世易科技有限公司总经理
09:05 抗生素类原料药及中间体的进出口价格走势分析      

           许铭 中国医药保健品进出口商会副会长
10:00 抗生素(培南,大环内酯类)的质量控制体系     

             • 2015版中国药典修订的最新动向            • 仿制药一致性评价

            胡昌勤 中国食品药品检定研究院抗生素室主任

10:45 茶歇
11:00 抗生素缓控释制剂的研究进展       

           周建平 中国药科大学药学院药剂学教研室主任
11:40 国家对抗生素的政策导向和政策解读       

12:10 集体合照
12:25 自助午餐

专场一、碳青霉烯类抗生素的技术研发 2014年3月24日(周一) 下午
14:00 培南类药物的国际技术动态进展    

           俞雄 上海医药工业研究总院副院长(邀请中)
14:45 酶法合成4AA的研究进展      

           郑裕国 浙江工业大学生物与环境工程学院副院长
15:30 茶歇
16:00 碳青霉烯类药物及其中间体4AA的合成工艺改进    

            袁哲东 上海医药工业研究院研究员
16:45 讨论
拟邀请企业:                                                   讨论主题:
浙江海正药业股份有限公司                    培南市场将何去何从,企业如何调整战略?
深圳海滨制药有限公司                            培南类原料及其中间体的质量成本控制
浙江耐司康药业有限公司                         ……
18:00 招待晚宴
  专场二、大环内酯类抗生素的技术研发 2014年3月24日(周一) 下午
14:00 第三代大环内酯类药物的研发进展(拟)  

           尤启冬 中国药科大学院长(邀请中)
14:45 克拉霉素的质量控制展       

          • 我国克拉霉素生产技术和杂质特点
          • 各国药典要求控制克拉霉素的杂质来源和特点
          • 我国克拉霉素相关物研究进展与药典修订的关系
          • 克拉霉素相关物对照品对企业的影响

           姚国伟 北京理工大学教授
15:30 茶歇
16:00 发酵过程优化与放大技术及应用     

           庄英萍 华东理工大学生物学院副院长
16:45 讨论
拟邀请企业:                                                                  讨论主题:
江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司                    大环内酯类市场将何去何从,企业如何调整战略?
浙江国邦药业有限公司                            大环内酯类原料及其中间体的质量成本控制
宜昌东阳光药业股份有限公司                大环内酯类口服制剂人体生物等效性问题
石药集团欧意药业有限公司                     ……
18:00 招待晚宴

抗生素临床研发专场 2014年3月25日(周二) 上午
09:00 抗生素制剂的医院市场数据分析     

           范淮平 上海医药工业信息中心市场副总监
10:00 新型抗生素研究进展及研发趋势     

10:45 茶歇
11:15 抗生素类药物的不同作用机理及临床应用     

           李光辉 上海华山医院抗生素研究所临床室副主任
12:00 会议回顾及闭幕
12:30 自助午餐 



 2014 China Antibiotics 360° Industry Forum
- The Fifth Carbapenems 360° Industry Forum & the Fourth Macrocyclic Lactones 360° Industry Forum
  Market Overview


Since the implementation of "Antibiotics Limitation Order" two years ago, its impact on antibiotic industry has been unprecedented. With the auction prices of the base antibiotics drugs and API steadily declining, the manufacturers of antibiotics all have falling profits. Although in the short term, the introduction of government policy exerted serious pressure on the producers, however in the long term, the policy may bring significant opportunities for the industry such as forcing the industry to upgrade and consolidate. Thus for those producers who have performed well and reached critical scales, the government policy may enable it to increase market shares. No wonder the bigger antibiotics producers begin activate mergers and acquisition activities and increase their production capacities.

The above phenomenon is undoubtedly reflected in the "macrolide" and "imipenem" varieties of antibiotics. How to deal with 4AA prices plummeting and azithromycin antibiotic low-cost reality ...... how the key players of antibiotics to get rid of the current difficulties and survive the winter?

eChinaChem organizes the “2014 China Antibiotics 360° Industry Forum - The Fifth Carbapenems 360° Industry Forum & the Fourth Macrocyclic Lactones 360° Industry Forum” on March 24th – 25th, 2014, gathering again the industry elite to discuss the futures and strategies for the industry.  


Speech Topics
Trend And Analysis Of Antibiotics Bulk Drugs And Intermediates Import And Export Prices.
Interpretation Of Government Policies And Directives On Antibiotics.
Antibiotics (Imipenem, Macrolides) Quality Control System.
International Technology Advances And Development For Imipenem Drugs
Latest Progress In Enzymatic Synthesis For 4aa
Synthesis Process Improvement For Carbapenems And Its Intermediates 4aa
Advances In Research And Development Of Third-Generation Macrolides
The Second-Generation Macrolides Technical Improvements R & D Progress
Erythromycin Fermentation And Purification Process Improvement
Antibiotic Agents Hospital Market Data Analysis
Small Breed Antibiotic R & D Status And Market Opportunities
Different Mechanisms Of Action And Clinical Application Of Antibiotics

Discussion Topics
Cost and quality control for raw materials and intermediates of macrolide imipenem?
Where the Imipenem, macrolides market will go, how to adjust the business strategy?


Previous Forums

eChinaChem is the leading Chinese business media in chemical, pharmaceutical and life sciences industry, including industry B2B website, publications, buyers guide, consulting market reports and conferences. eChinaChem has more than 60,000 members worldwide. The company also operates the leading Chinese supply chain portal and business networking sites, 360Guanxi.com. The 360 ° industry forums is one of the eChinaChem activities, which features deep supply chain focus on key products and close to the business.

Based on the success of the previous relevant industry forums, the 2014 China antibiotics 360 ° Industry Forum will further expand the scale and focus on imipenem & macrolide domestic and foreign markets, prices, and other industrial policies at home and abroad to strengthen competitiveness, as well as establish a corporate brand image and expand sales and procurement channels, accelerate R & D and innovation to provide valuable information, so as to more effectively help enterprises enhance the international competitiveness of the market.

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