上海高登商业展览有限公司 会议经理
点击[1714]   0 评论 分享 发布: 2014-06-23 分类:my blog

As the Asian unique professional exhibition in aviation services field, ASCE CHINA has been grandly opened in Shanghai INTEX on June 5th, 2014.The three-day fair has attracted nearly five hundred of excellent suppliers in aviation services field from more than 40 countries and regions around the world. The exhibition areas are nearly 20,000 s. q. m., covering five big fields of aviation food &beverage, kitchen catering, in-flight services &supplies, aircraft interiors &cabin training program, in-flight facilities and technology, gathering nearly a thousand of major airlines, aircraft manufacturers, and airport groups as well as ten thousand of top professional buyers in global aviation services to the exhibition.

During the exhibition, AIS CHINA has been successfully held in Shanghai Renaissance Yangtze Hotel on June 6th. The summit has attracted nearly 150 top leaders from global aircraft interiors field, including cabin interiors, aircraft seat, in-flight kitchen and entertainment, meanwhile the event has been strongly supported and participated by AVICBIAM, COMAC, AIRBUS, RECARO, FACC, AAR, SOGERMA, AVIC JIATAI, Air China, China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines, etc. Mr. Dong Suguang, the President of CAMAC, who was Deputy General Manager of China Southern Airlines, hosted the summit and addressed the opening speech. Firstly, Mr. Yu Qifeng, the Vice-Director of Structure Department in SADRI, delivered a keynote speech on “Interior design of civil aircraft and related technical discussion”. Then Martin DECHOW, the VP of AIRBUS, analyzed “Product Trends in Aircraft Cabins” from a perspective of Air cabin, particularly emphasized on “The Market Needs for a Future Aircraft Cabin” and “Major Trends for Aircraft Interior”. During the summit, Mr. Norbert Marx, the General Manager of GAMECO, shared cases on “MRO and Refurbishment of Commercial Aircraft Cabin Interior in China Southern Airlines”, and Mr. Yi Xiaosu, the Director of AVIC BIAM’s Science and Technology Committee, gave a speech on “How to use GREEN materials in aircraft interiors in nowadays”, which successfully grabbed the attention of industry professionals.

Aiming at Design & Materials in Aircraft Interior Field, the delegates like Paul Priestman—Director of Priestmangoode, Michael Leung—Director of AAR Engineering Services-Asia, Amin Jignesh—Industry Manager of SABIC, analyzed and explored topics of “Interior design innovation of civil aircraft”, “Aircraft Interior Enhancements through Cabin Interior Modification and Upgrades”, “Light Weight Thermoplastic Solutions”.

In the end of the seminar, Mr. Dong Suguang, President of CAMAC and the host of the summit, raised a panel discussion on “How to meet the needs of market segment according to the design and manufacture of aircraft interior innovation”, which got positively feedback and participation from top executives such as Mr. Yi Xiaosu--the Director of AVIC BIAM’s Science and Technology Committee, Mr. Christoph Schrempp—General Manager of AIRBUS(Tianjin),Mr. Manfred Buechner—General Manager of RECARO-China and Mr. Liu Jingfeng—Deputy General Manager of AVIC JIATAI. The intense discussion was launched around the Design innovation, Materials application, Market development & demand in Future Aircraft interiors, which brought the summit into a climax and reached the effect desired by the delegates.

Since the successful holding of first ASCE CHINA in 2012, the fair has been getting through three years, meanwhile the global professionals in Aviation Service Field gathered in Shanghai every year in order to collect the latest market and product information as well as seek partners and join in industry conference actively. Aiming to promote a better future development and enhance international competition & influence of aircraft interiors industry, Golden Commercial—the organizer of ASCECHINA, will hold the second AIS CHINA on Dec 2nd-3rd, and we are looking forward to meeting all the industry colleagues in December.


                                                                     Shanghai Golden Commercial Exhibition Co., Ltd

博客标签: aircraft interiors , seating , IFE , AIRBUS , BOEING , AIR
点击[1404]   0 评论 分享 发布: 2014-06-19 分类:my blog

       亚洲地区航空服务领域唯一采购盛会-中国国际航空服务产业博览会(ASCE CHINA)于2014年06月05日在上海国际展览中心隆重开幕,为期三天的中国航博会共吸引来自全球四十多个国家和地区近五百家航空服务领域优秀供应商前来参展,展出面积近两万平米,涉及航空食品及饮料、厨房配餐、机上服务及用品、飞机内饰与客舱培训、机场设施与技术五大领域,展会期间聚集国内外近千家主要航空公司、飞机制造商、机场集团以及数万名全球航空服务专业买家参会。

       本届航博会期间国际飞机内饰峰会(AIS CHINA)于2014年6月6日在上海扬子江万丽大酒店成功举办,本届峰会共吸引来自全球地区飞机内饰领域的客舱布局、飞机座椅、机上厨房及娱乐系统等近150名企业高层参会,活动得到了中航工业、中国商飞、空客德国、RECARO、FACC、AAR、SOGERMA、航宇嘉泰、国航、东航、南航等单位大力支持与参与。
        该峰会由中国民航维修协会会长,原南航股份副总董苏光先生主持并致开幕词,首先由上海飞机设计研究院结构部副部长俞麒峰就民用飞机内饰设计及相关技术探讨发表主题演讲,空客德国副总裁 Martin DECHOW以空中客舱的视角分析了飞机客舱产品的发展趋势,重点阐述未来飞机客舱的市场需求与飞机内饰的主要趋势。广州飞机维修工程公司总经理Norbert Marx在峰会期间分享南方航空商用飞机客舱内饰的维修与翻新案例,中航工业北京航空材料研究院科技委主任益小苏就目前绿色环保的内饰材料如何应用到飞机内饰中发表演讲,引起行业专业人士的关注。

        参会企业代表Priestmangoode总监Paul Priestman、AAR工程服务亚洲区总监Michael Leung、沙伯基础创新塑料业务总监Amin Jignesh Sr.针对飞机内饰领域的设计与材料进行了民用飞机的内饰设计创新、通过飞机客舱内部维修和更新增强飞机内饰的功能、飞机内饰轻质热塑性塑料解决方案等话题的分析与探讨。

         最后由大会主持中国民航维修协会会长董苏光提出飞机内饰设计制造革新,满足细分市场需求的话题进行专题讨论,得到中航工业北京航空材料研究院科技委主任益小苏、空客天津总经理ChristophSchrempp、RECARO中国区总经理Manfred Buechner、航宇嘉泰刘景丰副总等企业高层积极反馈与交流,就未来飞机内饰的设计革新、材料应用、市场发展与需求展开激烈讨论,将本届峰会推向交流了高潮,使参会代表达到预期效果。

         自2012年首次上海航博会(ASCECHINA)举办以来,该航博会已经走过了三个年头,每年来自世界各地的航空服务行业专业人士都会汇聚上海,收集市场和产品最新信息,寻求合作伙伴并积极参加行业论坛讲座。本届航博会主办方高登商业(Golden Commercial)为更好的推动飞机内饰行业发展,提升飞机内饰领域的国际竞争力和影响力,定于2014年12月2日-3日举办亚洲航空服务产业大会,期待行业同仁12月再相聚。





博客标签: aircraft interiors , seating , IFE , AIRBUS , BOEING , AIR
点击[1735]   0 评论 分享 发布: 2014-05-16

Airbus, Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute and Golden Commercial will hold “2014 International Aircraft Interiors Summit” in Shanghai On June 6-7, 2014.
The Aircraft Interiors Forum will gather lots of industry executives from airlines, aircraft manufacturers and Aircraft Interiors suppliers, like Air China,China Eastern Airline,China Southern Airline,Spring Airlines,Boeing,Airbus,COMAC,FACC, RECARO,etc.aiming to analysis the current situation and explore the future development of Aircraft Interiors industry.


This two-days summit also will attract thought leaders and key decision makers from the entire product and service of the aircraft interiors industry. It is the perfect occasion to meet with your peers and network with industry leading experts and innovators, whilst capitalising on the insight and ideas presented by the foremost thinkers of the industry.




If you want to know further information, please contact:



博客标签: aircraft interiors , seating , IFE , AIRBUS , BOEING , AIR
点击[1665]   0 评论 分享 发布: 2014-04-08 分类:my blog


With the rapid development of Chinese civil aviation industry in recent years, people take planes not just limited to fly, while the desire of surfing the internet, watching TV, dining together, entertainment and relaxing on high altitude gradually becomes a real thing. Aiming to provide a better flight experience for passengers, each major airlines and airplane manufacturers are engaging in constant innovation on aircraft interiors in order to share a bigger piece of cake in the market.
Along with the sustained high growth of Chinese economy, China is working as the largest global consumption market and will also turn to be a greatest and fastest global aviation market in future. It becomes a different future direction to refit airplanes with Chinese-style interior design. China will attract all the attention from global aircraft interiors industry in the future.
Against the above situation, Golden Commercial will hold “International Aircraft Interiors Summit 2014” on June 06-07 in Shanghai. The conference will gather lots of top leaders from airlines, aircraft manufacturers and aircraft interiors suppliers, aiming to analyze the current situation and explore the future of aircraft interiors industry.

博客标签: aircraft interiors , seating , IFE , AIRBUS , BOEING , AIR
点击[1393]   0 评论 分享 发布: 2014-03-20 分类:my blog

With the boost of China's national economy, Chinese civil aviation transportation industry is booming tremendously. Meanwhile, the catering requirements of domestic and overseas passengers are also improved continuously, so that aviation food and catering becomes an ace for numerous airlines to improve their service quality. Along with the fierce competition in international aviation Industry, aviation food is tending to industrialized production. However from an overall perspective, Chinese aviation catering production levels are still much lower than those developed countries, mainly because of less automatically produced, without efficient quality control and supervision, unstable product quality, less market-competitive, etc.
According to the above-mentioned situation, Golden Commercial will hold “International Aviation Food & Catering Conference 2014”at June, 5th-6th based on the powerful platform of “The 3rd China International Aviation Services & Supplies Exhibition 2014”. The conference will gather lots of top leaders from Airlines and Aviation Catering Enterprises, aiming to discussing the current situation exploring the future development of Chinese aviation food and catering industry.

热点议题Hot topics

Analysis of current situation on Chinese aviation catering industry—Market scale, Manufacturer, Problems & strategies
To unify standard specification and improve aviation catering quality—《Aviation catering safety code》in details
The methods and case analyses to satisfy specific needs in Chinese catering market
Safety assurance in aviation food material industry chain
Aviation catering—to set up a coordinated process of material selecting, quality control and transportation
To provide distinctive aviation catering, complete quality control and build brand new aviation services
Selection and criteria for aviation catering equipment
To balance the quality and cost of aviation catering
Characteristic analysis in aviation catering and discussion & application for HACCP system
“Catering forces” competition under pressure
How to meet individual needs of passengers and strengthen the construction of airline brand services


拟邀请嘉宾Guest to be invited

袁耀辉 中国航空运输协会航空食品委员会常务副理事长(China Air Catering Committee of CATA)
刘 英 中国航空运输协会航空食品委员会副秘书长(China Air Catering Committee of CATA)
吴铭义 上海东方航空食品投资有限公司董事长(Shanghai Eastern Airlines Food)
何超凡 中翼航空投资有限公司总经理(China Aviation Investment Co.,LTD)
刘志强 易食集团股份有限公司副董事长(HNAE-FOOD)
孙宜章 中国南方航空股份有限公司航空食品部总经理(China Southern Airlines)
张庆佳 亚太区首席营运官德国汉莎天厨亚洲有限公司(LSG Asia GmbH)
陈毅真 厦门航空配餐部总经理(Xiamen Airlines Crop.)
徐 浩 新华航食总经理(Xinhua Beijing Airport Aviation Food)
乔 震 海南航空食品事业部总经理(Hainan Airlines Crop.)
张春燕 广州南联航空食品有限公司总经理(Guangzhou Nanland Air catering)
更多演讲嘉宾邀请中……More speakers inviting are on going…..



谁将参加Who will attend

航空公司Airlines 20%
航空配餐企业Aviation Catering Company 60%
Catering equipment and services suppliers
Catering food &beverage suppliers
食品加工、储存的解决方案供应商 5%
Design suppliers for food processing and storage 5%
其他相关服务供应商Other related service suppliers 5%


◆了解航空食品市场现状与未来趋势,抓住机遇迎接挑战Understanding current aviation food market and future trends in order to seize the opportunities and meet the challenges
◆了解最新政策法规动向以及政府对航食配餐的支持与指导方针,做好应对准备Knowing the latest policies and regulations as well as government support and guidelines on aviation catering in order to make a better preparation
◆提升品牌形象,巩固和开拓中国航空配餐市场Enhancing brand images in order to strengthen and open up Chinese aviation catering market
◆促进中外航空公司的交流与合作To promote communication and cooperation between Chinese and foreign airlines
◆学习交流各大航空公司的餐食供应和管理的经验Catering and management experiences learning exchange among major airlines
◆与国内外航空公司配餐部的高层近距离交流, 获取发展战略和设施更新的一手资料Face-to face communication with top leaders from Chinese and foreign airlines catering department to get primary datas of development strategy and facility renewal.


Golden Commercial: ASCE CHINA作为亚洲地区航空服务领域唯一采购盛会,已在中国成功召开过两届并获得巨大成功,展出面积近两万平米,涉及航空食品及饮料、厨房配餐、机上服务及用品、机上设备、机场设施五大领域,展会共吸引来自全球四十多个国家和地区近千家航空服务领域优秀供应商前来参展,聚集国内外近两百家主要航空公司、机场集团及近万名全球航空领域专业买家前来参会。该展会现已成为中国航空服务领域最专业的采购交易会,在国际航空服务领域专业展会中占有极为重要的地位。
As the unique exhibition in Asian aviation services, Golden Commercial: ASCE CHINA has been held two times successfully. The exhibition areas are nearly 20,000 sq.m., covering five big areas of aviation food beverage、kitchen catering、in-flight services & supplies、in-flight equipments、in-flight facilities. The fair has attracted nearly a thousand of excellent suppliers in aviation services from more than 40 countries and regions around the world, gathering nearly 200 main airlines、airport groups and ten thousands of top professional buyers in global aviation services to the exhibition. The fair has become the most professional trade fair in China aviation services and plays a vital role in the international aviation services professional fairs.

博客标签: aircraft interiors , seating , IFE , AIRBUS , BOEING , AIR
点击[1139]   1 评论 分享 发布: 2012-05-07 分类:my blog

 核心提示:肝素钠最新市场报价,以市场为依据,提供最新的市场价格。 2012年5月4日最新市场报价为22000元/亿单位。

博客标签: aircraft interiors , seating , IFE , AIRBUS , BOEING , AIR
点击[1500]   1 评论 分享 发布: 2012-03-31 分类:my blog







博客标签: aircraft interiors , seating , IFE , AIRBUS , BOEING , AIR