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已读[1159] 发布: 2014/11/12 08:31:04
 国家统计局统计数据显示,2014年1-8月医药制造业累计实现销售收入14440.6亿元,同比增13.6%。细分子行业上,1-8月,中药饮片收入和利润分别同比增长17.5%。但行业中凸显两极分化、涨跌互现的局面,对此业内称降价应两看,市场理性无需担心资本冲击。   三七零售价跌幅过半 2009年后,全国中药材综合20...
已读[1017] 发布: 2014/11/12 08:25:02
 截至10月28日,中药板块共36家公司披露三季报,其中29家公司营收实现正增长,30家公司归母净利润同比正增长,营收增速在20%以上的有12家,占已公布季报公司的三分之一,显示了较高的业绩增长速度。 不过这依然无法掩盖被新闻媒体屡屡曝光的中成药质量问题。此前相关媒体刊发的《93批中药材及饮片不合格》的报道恰恰就暴露了困扰中草药发展的...
已读[411] 发布: 2014/10/16 01:18:40
SYS-CON Media (press release) With patent protection for KP511 and KP201 extending to 2032 and 2031 respectively, we believe KemPharm is ideally positioned to answer the growing need within the pain therapeutic market, and society in general, for prescription opioid medications ... and more »
已读[420] 发布: 2014/10/16 01:18:32
WebWire (press release) And in TCM ( traditional Chinese medicine ), this is associated with blood stagnancy and damp-heat environment. ... Depending on the scientific research and practice, Dr. Lee absorbed the essence of the ancient prescription , and summed up Fuyan Pill ...
已读[402] 发布: 2014/10/16 01:18:25
The Australian SIGMA Pharmaceuticals says continued price cuts to the government-subsidised Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) has resulted in lower dispensary-related income for both pharmacists and distributors. Pharmacists therefore rely more heavily on selling ... and more »
已读[410] 发布: 2014/10/16 01:18:21
SYS-CON Media (press release) P2P RTC will impact the landscape of communications, shifting from traditional telephony style communications models to OTT (Over-The-Top) cloud assisted & PaaS (Platform as a Service) communication services. The P2P shift will impact many areas of our ... and more »
已读[386] 发布: 2014/10/16 01:18:17
Businessweek For years, patients have been able to buy less expensive copies of existing chemical drugs -- ranging from Lipitor for cholesterol to the antidepressant Prozac -- once their patents ended. That saved the nation $239 billion last year alone, according ... and more »
已读[405] 发布: 2014/10/16 01:18:13
SYS-CON Media (press release) Including these countries, Vycor now has international agreements in place for VBAS in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China , France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Taiwan ... and more »
已读[382] 发布: 2014/10/16 01:18:09
Washington Post (blog) Drug patents put overseas can pare tax bills. Andrew Pollack in The ... Many are also paying to exclude some benefits from the deductible requirements, such as preventive care, prescription medications or physician services for diabetics. What are we ... and more »
已读[424] 发布: 2014/10/16 01:18:05
SYS-CON Media (press release) Additionally, Fujitsu has set up proof-of-concept pilots with several of their major customers, with more expected in the near future, and has kicked off sales and marketing of the partnership products in Japan and China . ... Controls ,we supply ...
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